About Me

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I spent most of my life in trouble for one thing or another and I feel rather comfortable with others who have also had a hard time. I'm not ashamed of being different. I am proud to have a mind of my own and my own way of doing things. I do sometimes wish others would leave me be and stop trying to turn me into someone that I'm not. I've been called cynical and distant, but really those people don't know me. Bigotry, loud repetative noise, greed, lies, and lack of seriousness/focus gets under my skin like nothing else. This is only a small portion of who I am, since I change like the moon changes phases.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


You sir, are a cat in the darkness I see. Obnoxiously attacking me so randomly. When I turn to thee you sporadically jump and flee. Amused I call for you to come back to me. Once again you begin obnoxiously attacking me randomly. I call to you for petting you see. Not for you to scratch and bite at me. Oh dearest black cat staring at me so intently. Why are you acting so crazily? Ah yes, you are a cat I see. Sitting on my lap so lazily. I ponder your psychology. Oh silly cat who torments me.

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