About Me

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I spent most of my life in trouble for one thing or another and I feel rather comfortable with others who have also had a hard time. I'm not ashamed of being different. I am proud to have a mind of my own and my own way of doing things. I do sometimes wish others would leave me be and stop trying to turn me into someone that I'm not. I've been called cynical and distant, but really those people don't know me. Bigotry, loud repetative noise, greed, lies, and lack of seriousness/focus gets under my skin like nothing else. This is only a small portion of who I am, since I change like the moon changes phases.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nature Walks

Silence and stillness alone in the night. Look to the skies for the broad daylight. If ever there were gods on this earth, bring to me this inner rebirth. Desperate and cold for connection I'm told. For ever there is emptiness to behold. Once among the green of the mountains, I am swarmed with emotions like water from fountains. Confused and distraught like an abandoned animal left to die. A feeling of grief like a ghost trapped in a house with people without belief. Dearest ones with powers so old. I mean to ask if it isn't too bold. Can you open my heart before I crumble and falter in doing my part. In this life I have done many things wrong, but this should not mean that I am not to belong. I plead with thee to bring my empathy back to me. Reminded of the compassion I lack is taking me back to a part in my life that was filled with heartache and strife. I wish for this wall built to protect my heart to disappear or fall apart. Revealing what is under the rubble is a tiny plant so brilliantly green growing without trouble. Protected by fairies and magical bubbles. Green man so heavily adorned with leaves, bring to me what not many believe. Give me life and love once more to connect with the one that I deny that I adore.

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